洋らん展2006 in スパリゾートハワイアンズ カトレヤ交配種
Orchid Festival in Hawaiians 2006 Cattleya Hybrids
C. Chocolate Drop 'Dream of Kimi' JC/JOGA Bc. Moon Miss 'Lunar Dawn'
Red Ribbon Red Ribbon
Lc. Tropical Pointer 'Amethysto' L. Juvenilis 'Ikuko'
Red Ribbon Red Ribbon
Bc. Katherine H. Chatham 'T. Aita #1' Lc. Bowri-Albida 'Pink Lady'
Red Ribbon Red Ribbon
Lc. Wrigleyi 'Dream of Kimi' BM/JOGA Blc. Maitland 'Miles'
White Ribbon White Ribbon
Slc. Lanche 'Meadow Sweet' Bc. Good Hope 'Haru'
White Ribbon White Ribbon
Blc. ((Lc. Edgard Van Balle x C. intermedia) x
Blc. Magic Meadow) 'Sekine'
Lc. Molly Tyler 'Shinobu'
White Ribbon White Ribbon
Blc. Keowee 'Vi-Galaxy' Blc. Dancing Sun Light 'Paoro'
Green Ribbon Green Ribbon
Pot. Memoria Gold 'Canary' Lc. Aloha Case 'Shinobu'
Green Ribbon Green Ribbon
C. Crown Royal 'Miyabi' Lc. Dinard 'Blue Heaven'
Green Ribbon Green Ribbon
C. Porcia 'Canizaro' Lc. Bowri-Albida 'Yabe'
Green Ribbon Green Ribbon
Lc. Mildred Rives 'Orchidglade' Blc. Memoria Crispin Rosales 'Costa Mesa'
Green Ribbon Green Ribbon
Blc. Alma Kee 'Tipmalee' Pot. Miracle Bird 'A'
Blc. Faya Miyamoto Blc. Something Nice 'Hatsue'
Pot. Love Call 'Muramatu' Pot. (anceps x Chatoyant) 'Winered' BM/JOGA
Blc. Karbela Beauty 'Song of Canary' Blc. Greenwich 'Elmhurst'
Pot. Waianae Orange 'Lea' Epi. Plastic Doll 'Marii'
Pot. Sweet Sugar 'Himiko' Blc. (Blc. Misty Girl x Bc. Pastoral) 'Masako'
Bc. Carnival Kids 'Green Elf' Blc. George King 'Serendipity'
Lc. Tropical Pointer 'Cheetah' Lc. Tropical Pointer 'Amethysto'
Bc. Roman Holiday C. Chocolate Drop 'Volcano Queen'
C. Interglossa 'M' C. Chocolate Drop 'Nok'
Lc. Fair Catherine 'Silky Snow' Lc. Cynthia 'Model'
Lc. Hawaiian Lovely 'T. Owada' Pot. Haw Yuan Orange
Pot. Free Spirit 'Carmela' Pot. Haw Yuan Orange
Slc. Muffin 'Easteregg' Lc. Love Knot 'Shinobu'
Lc. Sky Grape 'Chie' L. Juvenilis
Blc. Smart Lady 'Mari' Bc. Pastral 'Rosee'
C. Portia fma. coerulea 'Sir Jeremiah Colman' Lc. Blue Boy 'Kinnosuke'
Blc. (Lc. Mini Purple x Bc. Maikai)
'Yoko' BM/JOGA
Lc. Dinard 'Blue Heaven'
C. Ariel fma. coerulea '2' Lc. Dinard 'Blue Heaven'
Lc. Mary Elizabeth Bohn 'Royal Flare' Lc. Wrigleyi 'Orchidlibrary'
Blc. Yellow Inp 'Tropical Tip Fortune' Lc. Zuiho 'Michi'
Lc. Zuiho 'Michi' Lc. Persepolis 'Splender'
Blc. Dr. Von Brown 'Yonekawa' Lc. Bizen Fouraker 'A'
Lc. Lucie Hausermann 'A' C. Marjorie Hausermann 'York'
Bc. Brumen Zaoh 'Crystal White' C. Marisabel deLas Casas'White Rolipop'
Blc. Amy Wakasugi 'Momoko' Blc. Memoria Crispin Rosales 'Costa Mesa'
Pot. My Revolution 'Michi' Pot. Lovely Memory 'June Bride'
Blc. Amy Wakasugi 'Promise' Blc. King of Taiwan 'Da Shin #2'
Blc. King of Taiwan 'Ta Hsin' Blc. Memoria Crispin Rosales 'Costa Mesa'
Pot. Congaree 'Orchidlibrary' Pot. William Farrell 'Mituko'
Blc. Bryce Canyon 'Splendiferous' C. Porcia 'Canizaro'
L. Juvenilis 'Shigeko' C. Portia 'Gloriosa'
C. Calvin Grisafe 'Koseki' Lc. Little Susie 'Good Var #3'
C. Portia 'Dark' C. Crown Royal 'Miyabi'
C. Loddiglossa 'Sengen' Lc. Bowri-Albida 'Pink Lady'
Lc. Puppy Love 'True Beauty' Lc. Puppy Love 'True Beauty'
私の温室で咲いた花たちを紹介します。 私が訪れた各地の蘭展の様子をお送りします。 蘭に関するいろいろな情報をお送りします。 蘭に関するイベントを紹介しています。